Full Name: Penelope Hazel Pinkerton
Birthday: 12th November 1989 Starsign: Scorpio Lives: Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Marital Status: Single and mainly failing to mingle Siblings: Flossie (20) and Bob (12) Parentals: Mother Dearest and Father Bear Occupation: Part Time Student, Part Time Mother Hen, Part Time Disaster Relief Squad, Full Time Lunatic Likes: Boys, Vodka, Superfoods, Football, Cricket, Equal Opportunity, Driving a Barina Dislikes: Lycra, Rodents, Doing the dishes, Cricket commentators Favourite Colour: Green Favourite Sayings: ‘Good Grief’, ‘Good Lord’, ‘Good God’ Favourite Movies: Mulan, Friday Night Lights, The Ugly Truth Hobbies: Netball, Pilates, Horse Riding, English History, French (language/food/men) Can be found: Rolling her eyes at Mother Dearest’s latest match making attempt, dealing with a poo-related disaster, snoozing in the lecture theatre, hiding from the world under her desk At High School was voted student most likely to: Run the World Greatest Achievement: Most days just ‘getting out of bed’ Allergies: Chlorine, Stupidity, any iProduct and the full spectrum of human emotion (according to Mother Dearest)
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December 2013